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RFP for Development of PH & FG

Home SCMS RFP for Development of PH & FG



Skill Council for Mining Sector (SCMS), promoted by FIMI and supported by Ministry of Mines, was  established in December 2013 as the apex body to train and meet the requirement of skilled workforce for the mining industry in PPP mode. SCMS is a registered company under Section 8 of Company’s Act 2013 and issued 80G and 12AA certificate under Income Tax Act 1961 in October 2015. SCMS was setup by NSDC under the MSDE. MSDE in its notification dated 17 March 2015 has authorized SCMS as a non-statutory agency for certifying the mining workforce in India. SCMS is also recognized by NCVET as ‘Awarding Body’ for NSQF compliant skill certification.

The core activity of SCMS is to formulate the National Occupational Standard (NOS) for different job roles aligned to National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) initially notified by Government of India, in December 2013 and revised by NCVET in 2023. SCMS has carried out Occupational Mapping and Skill  Gap Studies for the sector. It has developed skill competency standards i.e. qualification packs and curriculum aligned to NSQF levels benchmarking it with national and international standards for both opencast and underground mines.


About Request for Proposal (RFP):

Skill Council for Mining Sector invites proposal in two bid (Technical & Financial) system in English from eligible organizations (hereinafter referred as ‘Agency’ or ‘Bidder’) as per the Qualifying Criteria (QC) mentioned below, for the work detailed in Section 3 of the RFP document. RFP documents are hosted in SCMS website (www.skillcms.in) under NOTICES/Notification section.

Note: For all contexts mentioned below & in RFP document, wherever ‘Last Three Financial Years’ is mentioned, it will be FYs 2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24.

Mandatory Qualifying Criteria (QC) for the bidders:

  1. The entity must be a Company/ Society or Trust/ Partnership Firm/ Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) registered with the appropriate authority in India. Proprietorship, Consortiums and Joint Ventures are not allowed. (Submit copies of applicable registration certificate)
  2. The average turnover of the agency in last three financial years (i.e. 2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24) must not be less than Rs.10.00 lakhs (Submit copies of Balance Sheets).
  3. The agency must have developed & delivered PHs and FGs for at least ten (10) job roles for Sector Skill Councils during last three FYs. (Submit copy of work orders & completion certificate/evidence of work completion).
  4. The agency must have filed the income tax returns for last three financial years (2021-22, 2022-23 & 2023-24). (Submit copies of Income Tax returns).
  5. The Net worth of the agency should be positive as on the last financial year (2023-24) balance sheet (Submit copy of last FY balance sheet).
  6. Government Authorities must not have blacklisted the Agency or its Board of Directors/ Management/Promoters (Declaration on Letterhead signed by Authorized Signatory).

General Terms & Conditions:

  1. Not with standing anything stated above, the SCMS reserves the right to verify all statements/ information submitted to confirm the bidder’s claim on experience, to assess the capacity and capability to perform the development of PH and FG Content.
  2. An associate of agency is not permitted to be a bidder in the same tender.
  3. Amendments / Errata / Corrigendum / Clarifications if any issued for the RFP shall form part and parcel of the RFP document. Amendments / Errata / Corrigendum / Clarifications if any will be displayed on SCMS’s Website (www.skillcms.in) under NOTICES/Notification section. Bidders are requested to visit SCMS website and note the amendments before submission of offer. SCMS shall not be responsible if any agency omits to notice any amendments. Amendments will be numbered consecutively.
  4. Proposal submitted without proper documentary evidence to substantiate fulfillment of the qualifying criteria are likely to be rejected. However, SCMS reserves the right to reject/ accept any proposal, or all such proposals received, at its discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever.


For detailed information, please click here 

The propsals along with required documents, security deposit, etc. should reach to SCMS office on or before 07th  January 2024 by 3pm.